The Toddler Whisperer

cropped-img_34191.jpgOh, the joys of a young one learning to talk. It is amazing what toddlers can pick up, and how quickly they can do so. At first is sounds, pointing and you can make some meaning out of it. Before long, they are learning words, stringing a few together, and then pulling out full sentences. But, there is always the issue of when your toddler talks in front of someone who does not live in the same house, or spend as much time with them as you do. You become a translator, no matter how clear it may sound to you what your toddler says, someone will get that puzzled look, glance at you for the interpretation, and then continue on conversing with the little one.

This really isn’t a big deal, and I’ve been on the other end of the translation many a time with my own family members. Ok mom, throw me a bone here and help me continue communicating with your babe.

What sucks is, when someone gives you that look, and you ask your toddler to repeat, and she does, and even you are not sure what it is that she is saying.

At this point in the conversation, I have an incredible tool in my belt of resources- my toddler whisperer a.k.a her older sister.

My oldest child frequently is called on as the go between my youngest and I, or my youngest and another communicator. Just the other night, while a friend of mine was visiting, we were discussing birthday parties over our pre-bedtime snack. My oldest’s is quickly approaching and we have been planning and making decorations for it for some time now. This prompts my youngest, by 18 months, to continually think about what her birthday theme will be which will inevitably change 5 million times between now and then as her birthday is “far, far away”… October. However, she still likes to brainstorm and she came up with a new theme all of her own which she was very proudly trying to explain to us.

“I’m going to have lots of furrels at my party. And everyone is going to get their own firl, and there will be lots and lots of ferls.”

“What do you want, honey? Flowers?”

“NO. Furrells. I want firls for my birthday party.”

I looked at my friend. She looked at me. (I keep changing the spelling because I had absolutely no idea what she was saying.)

I looked at my oldest daughter. “Do you know what she is saying?”

“She’s saying squirrels Mom. She wants a squirrel party,” my oldest responded as though it were plain as day and any person with the ability to hear should have been able to make sense of this.


Clearly… a furrel.

Well… squirrels have NEVER been a topic of birthday party themes until that very moment as she has been wanting to have a Mad Hatter party, and so I was not even thinking in that context. But none of that mattered to my toddler whisperer. She just simply knew.

So, to all you mothers of young children, 9mths and under, perhaps consider having another one as the older will become your very own toddler whisperer.

It’s truly something to behold.

4 thoughts on “The Toddler Whisperer

  1. Omg! How cute! I can’t wait to get to this point with my little. You’re lucky to have your oldest. I would’ve never guessed squirrel. 💜💜
    Thanks for linking up to #fridayfrivolity! Xx

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  2. We were pretty sure that Taylor, until the age of 4, spoke Navajo. It was like twin-speak, only without the twin. When one of the rest of the family would puzzle out what a word meant (Qui-Qui, for example, meant “ice cream,” and “monkey” was “mustard”) there was great joy and rejoicing throughout the land.

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